
Member ratings
13 reviews
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  • 4.63/5
    • Strengths:

      Keeps baby warm during night feeds

    • Weaknesses:

      Expense (although we got ours in the sale)

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    We love the grosnug. Our baby was prem and quite small, so we were a little worried about putting him in any sleeping bags. He went in his grosnug at approx 5.5llbs though and it fit perfectly.
    We found baby slept better in his grosnug because I kept him in it for the night feed, so I wasn't putting him back down in a cold bed.
    I also love that there's the option for arms in and arms out!
  • 4.38/5
    • Weaknesses:

      They grow out of them quickly and often found little fingers peeping out the neck hole!

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    Although the grobags are pricey this was a godsend for a better nights sleep in he early newborn stages! I couldn’t sleep properly with baby in a blanket for fear of it riding up! This grobag eased these concerns to no end and helped little one sleep better, feeling much more secure and snug! I liked the fact that there was the option to swaddle or not! Little one loved swaddling initially then loved the freedom of having her arms out, so this worked great. I liked that it was smaller fitting on the neck compared to a lot of the grobags available from supermarkets making it feel safer. Also liked that it as stretchy for healthy hips, great purchase!
  • pabobo
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      The design of the product is unique and so useful!

    • Weaknesses:

      The price may put people off

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    The GroSnug was a game changer at bedtime!
    Every night my little boy would wake because he had kicked off his blankets and was cold, but as soon as you replaced them they were kicked straight off again. He hated swaddling and would cry constantly until his arms were released.
    The GroSnug provides the security and reassurance of a swaddle, but enabled him to have his arms free at night. I should mention that this is optional - you can button the arms into the GroSnug as well.
    Once we introduced the GroSnug, Rex stopped waking multiple times a night because he was cold.
    The GroSnug is definitely worth the investment, the fabric is great quality and you can buy different togs for different seasons. It's also a great transition into a baby sleeping bag, once your little one is large enough.
    However, I do believe the price may put some parents off. I thought of it as an investment, and for my family it definitely paid off.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Have the option to swaddle or not

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This is the perfect product if your wanted to use baby sleeping bags but cant find one to fit a newborn properly! Our newborn kept wriggling through the night and didn’t seem to be that covered by his blankets, therefore purchased one of these and loved it! It gives you the option to swaddle if you want, or just use as a sleeping bag, they fit newborns perfectly and it just put my mind at ease in the night knowing he was always covered, I would definitely recommend!
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Safe swaddle

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This is an absolute must for any new baby! Yes, they are pricey, but definitely worth it for peace of mind safely swaddling your baby! I did use blankets before and they always came loose as Jordan like a good kick,which worried me with the risk of suffocation, but with these grosnugs there’s plenty of room to kick about (hip friendly!) yet he’s still all snuggled up and keeping his startle reflux from waking him up! Great present to buy for a baby shower!!
  • 4.25/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to put on and take off baby

    • Weaknesses:

      Very over priced

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    My baby only settles at night with one of these on. It also is alot more reasuring as you dont need a blanket and dont have to worry about them kicking it off and getting underneath it if they move about as my baby can mange to turn herself when asleep!
    I paid £25 for this one and it is a great quality but i feel very over priced for what it is as you can get non branded ones at for example super markets a lot cheaprer.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Secure, cosy, safe, design, 2in1

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This is my absolute best buy! After constantly worrying for the first few weeks if how i have thw blankets on my baby is ok if his warm enough, not to warm, if his fidgeting to much will the blankets come off, i decided to do research and came across this amazing product! Firstly i LOVE that it comes with a what to wear guide and two different types to by depending on your room temperature ( cosey if colder room and light if warmer and it states the degrees for each also) after reading i decided to go for the light as my room is always inbetween 21-24° once you have decided on which one it also give a guide on what to put the baby in underneath depending on tempature. Not just that it has poppers in the arms to swaddle your newborn to keep them cosy and i guess to help them make the transition from being in the womb, the poppers are so secure and in s nice positiom they they dont affect the baby and are actually covered when in use! After a few weeks baby can sleep with arms out (which my son loves!) I love that the hole for the babies head and arms is just the right size so its like wearing a top so you know baby isn't going to fall through! The zip is perfect ad it zips from top to bottom so when you want to change a nappy its jusy a quick half a zip from the bottom, no need to fully unzip and its a quick nappy change! Also the zip has a cover so it protects the babies skin. My son is almost growing out of his grosnug, which i am so dissapointed in as it is the perfect buy and he sleeps SOO much better in it to i thimk the fact he csnt kick it off and its just a constant warmt and security on him he has a better night sleep (and so do i!)
  • 4.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Safe; easy to use

    • Weaknesses:

      Inappropriate sizing?

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I bought this product before my son was born as I knew I would be nervous using blankets in case he got underneath them. It said it was suitable from birth but at 6lb 9oz I personally felt that the Grosnug was too big and rode up a little. Now he's bigger he sleeps in it every night and seems comfortable. It makes early-hours nappy changes a little trickier but it's worth it for the peace of mind that your child is snug yet safe. I also like the option of keeping arms in or out.
  • 4.88/5
    • Strengths:

      Easy to swaddle

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    I had bought the gro-snug after learning that sleeping bags have a minimum weight, in case baby slips down inside. I’d researched swaddling, but was concerned I wouldn’t do it right! I came across and bought the gro-bag which is just perfect. It’s adorable, easy to zip up (with zip guards to protect baby) and space down below for legs to move and avoid hip problems. The arm poppers which can be opened as baby grows are the perfect transition to the sleeping bags I have.
  • 4.75/5
    • Strengths:

      Snug fit

    • Weaknesses:


    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    We struggled with our newborn for 2 weeks of no sleep until we came across this item. Wow....absolute godsend! Baby Ava now goes to sleep without a fight and actually sleeps! Comes with a handy little room thermometer as well so you can see instantly what they need to be wearing. Really useful item and we now have 2 A’s they are that good
  • 3.75/5
    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    We used it since baby was born for about 2months until outgrown. Material is soft and nice for babys delicate skin. But it was only possible to use it as a sleeping bag not a swaddle. Wasn’t enough space to put baby’s arms inside it. Maybe this function would be useful for a very tiny baby.
  • 5.00/5
    • Strengths:

      Lovely soft fabrics

    • Weaknesses:

      He grew out of them by about 11 weeks and he is small

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    We had two grosnugs (light) due to the weather being hot. Both were good quality and much softer than the things he is now in which were too big. Most other sleep bags started at 8lb and my baby was premature so 5lb 8! I had so far to go before I fit normal ones. Grosnugs to the rescue. The poppers allowed his arms out or in and fit around his arms so I didn’t have to worry about him slipping down.
    Really good quality and I wish they did bigger sizes as my grobags aren’t as soft.
    I wouldn’t rely on the thermometer they give u as my gro egg was much better but the guide on the back helped me gain confidence in what to dress him in depending on the room temperature.
    I’ve now given my grosnugs to my friend who is expecting.
  • 4.50/5
    • Strengths:

      Pretty much everything

    • Weaknesses:

      Material stretches after a few nights

    • Quality
    • Price
    • Security
    • Design
    This is all in all amazing!
    It's great for keeping my little one asleep longer at night. Before using this we had him sleep just with a blanket but he kept getting startled and waking up every hour or 2 so we tried a swaddle. This was great for 3 hours max but he would always work his arms out the top and wear it as a dress. We found this online and it is the best thing we have bought. Once he's in it he will easily stay asleep for 5 hours without fussing. After a day or 2 the material does stretch to much and he can get his hand up and out the top like he is waving at you (super cute but still annoying!) It is very handy when he needs his nappy changing, you can just unzip the bottom and he can stay all nicely swaddled!
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From Gro, this Ollie The Owl Gro-Snug allows natural leg position for you baby.

Officially acknowledged as "hip-healthy" by the international hip dysplasia institute Chest lined for secure swaddle comfort Baby safe yak zips, nickel free poppers, and no rough edges or seams.

Mashine washable.

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